About me
From a young age there has always been a strong part of me that wanted to help people in need, especially those suffering from emotional pain. I knew from very early on that I wanted to pursue this route as a profession as it felt quite rewarding to help alleviate emotional suffering.
Psychologist & Integrative Practitioner

More About Me
From a young age there has always been a strong part of me that wanted to help people in need, especially those suffering from emotional pain. I knew from very early on that I wanted to pursue this route as a profession as it felt quite rewarding to help alleviate emotional suffering. I strongly believe that compassion and humanistic values are some of the most important characteristics one can have, and I endeavour to apply these characteristics as the foundation, not only in the way of living life, but also in my therapeutic work. I also believe that being naturally a very emphatic and insightful person enables me to be non-judgemental, to enter someone else’s shoes and see the situation from their perspective.
I am someone who enjoys the simple things which life has to offer; like the tranquillity of nature, the blessing of friendships and great company. I am a parent to a special 15-year old boy who means the world to me and who continues to be my greatest teacher; he continues to be my inspiration to learn and grow every day – not only to become a better parent and human being but also a better therapist whilst dealing with parents, children, adolescents and families.
Being a parent has taught me a great deal about healthy child development and the practical and emotional needs of both parents and children. Being a mother is a huge and special part of my life and I feel it has deepened my empathy for all young people and parents.
I take a strong stand against child maltreatment, domestic abuse and sexual violence. My passion for supporting individuals who have experienced such trauma led me to undertake my role as a Trustee for Mums In Need (MIN), a Non-Profit Organisation. This is an organisation supporting mothers and children who have experienced and escaped domestic abuse. Here, I also worked as a clinician who oversees all the psychological and therapeutic services of the organisation.
From a young age there has always been a strong part of me that wanted to help people in need, especially those suffering from emotional pain. I knew from very early on that I wanted to pursue this route as a profession as it felt quite rewarding to help alleviate emotional suffering.
I strongly believe that compassion and humanistic values are some of the most important characteristics one can have, and I endeavour to apply these characteristics as the foundation, not only in the way of living life, but also in my therapeutic work. I also believe that being naturally a very emphatic and insightful person enables me to be non-judgemental, to enter someone else’s shoes and see the situation from their perspective.
I am someone who enjoys the simple things which life has to offer; like the tranquillity of nature, the blessing of friendships and great company. I am a parent to a special 15-year old boy who means the world to me and who continues to be my greatest teacher; he continues to be my inspiration to learn and grow every day – not only to become a better parent and human being but also a better therapist whilst dealing with parents, children, adolescents and families.
Being a parent has taught me a great deal about healthy child development and the practical and emotional needs of both parents and children. Being a mother is a huge and special part of my life and I feel it has deepened my empathy for all young people and parents.
I take a strong stand against child maltreatment, domestic abuse and sexual violence. My passion for supporting individuals who have experienced such trauma led me to undertake my role as a Trustee for Mums In Need (MIN), a Non-Profit Organisation. This is an organisation supporting mothers and children who have experienced and escaped domestic abuse. Here, I also worked as a clinician who oversees all the psychological and therapeutic services of the organisation.
I am a psychologist trained to doctorate level which is the highest level within the profession. As a scientist-practitioner, my clinical training involved a strong foundation of research and scientific practice. This means that I place a great emphasis on psychological theories and recent scientific research; I am dedicated to using evidence-based practices to help you identify your strengths and move through difficult times.
I am trained within the discipline of Counselling Psychology which means that my practice of psychology will be grounded in humanistic values and that my role includes being a reflective practitioner. This involves working with your frame of reference – seeing the challenges from your perspective and adapting treatment to your needs. This means that I work as both a reflective and integrative practitioner.
My qualifications are as follows:
- Professional Diploma in Counselling Psychology
- Professional Advanced Diploma in Counselling Psychology
- British Psychological Society (BPS)-Accredited Degree: B.Sc (HONS) Psychology
- British Psychological Society (BPS)-Doctorate Degree: Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. I have completed my clinical training; completed and passed all taught components and clinical placements of the doctorate. However, I did not complete the thesis component which means I have not been awarded the doctorate qualification. I hold a Masters level Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology and Counselling
- Theraplay® – Level One Training
- Team-Teach Training (12-hours Basic Certificate)
- Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) – Level 1 and 2
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) – Level 1-3
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) with Children and Adolescents – Level 1 and 2
- Inner Child Diploma
- Bereavement and Grief Counselling
- Bereavement Counselling
- Adults
- Children
- Adolescents (Teenagers)
- Older adults
- Family
- Couple
- Group
My Therapeutic Approaches
My therapeutic work involves using an integrative approach, incorporating elements from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the Psychodynamic approach and Solution-Focused Therapy, depending on what is most appropriate for each individual client. My core therapeutic skills are based on the Humanistic perspective, recognising the importance of a strong and supportive therapeutic relationship.
I have a creative approach not only when working with young children, but I also incorporate some of the creative therapeutic techniques into my work with parents. For example, I introduce techniques from attachment play (based on psychodynamic thought) as tools for the parents to develop a secure attachment with their child and also as a tool for resolving conflicts, dealing with challenging behaviour and for expressing underlying emotions such as fear and distress.
Additionally, based on my understanding of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), my work with parents involves helping them to facilitate a secure attachment between them and their child and develop positive discipline strategies. I also support parents by helping them to apply empathic communication and listening skills into their parenting, and to use different strategies such as finding a solution to a conflict in a collaborative manner. This Specialist Family Therapy psychological services offered by Stepping Stones Psychology is an integration of mindful-parenting/conscious parenting, peaceful parenting and attachment parenting. All of these interventions are based on Humanistic values.
For more details about Peaceful Parenting, Mindful Parenting and Attachment Parenting please see the following links:
- http://www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-to…/Peaceful_Parenting
- http://www.ahaparenting.com/…/peaceful-pa…/mindful-parenting
- https://www.peacefulparent.com/the-peaceful-parenting-phil…/
- http://www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-…/attachment-parenting
The above resources are from Dr Laura Markham and Genevieve Simperingham. Dr Markham is a Clinical Psychologist and the Founder of Aha!Parenting. Ms Simperingham is a Holistic Parenting Coach and the Co-Founder of the Peaceful Parent Institute in New Zealand (PPI). They both use a relationship-based model whilst working with families, same way as the psychological services offered by Stepping Stones Psychology.
What are these therapeutic approaches?
- Integrative Approach – This is a therapeutic approach incorporating various elements from different psychological approaches (as below) in a way that is most appropriate for each individual client. It is grounded on the belief that each client needs to be considered as a whole – thus, it is viewed that no one theory or single approach holds the answer to treat each client in all situations. Instead, therapeutic techniques and psychological interventions have to be tailored to each client’s individual needs and circumstances. The aim will be on promoting healing and facilitating wholeness, ensuring that all levels of a client’s being and functioning (mental, physical and emotional health) are maximised to their full potentials.
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)– This is a medical model which is a problem-solving and goal-orientated approach. The focus is on identifying, exploring and replacing unhelpful thoughts in order to change unhelpful feelings and unhelpful behavior. The aim will be on facilitating the client to recognise their unhelpful thought patterns, learning new ways of thinking which will then have a positive influence on their feelings and their behaviour.
- The Psychodynamic Approach– The focus of this approach would be on exploring underlying emotions and thoughts in depth. This includes our past experiences which we have repressed in our unconscious/subconscious mind. These parts can often contribute to strong, unhelpful triggers which can then have a huge impact on our thinking and our behavior. The aim will be on facilitating the client to identify these unconscious processes, making them conscious in order to gain deeper insights and manage their difficulties better. This also involves recognising specific triggers that may be causing disruptive patterns of behaviour.
- Solution-Focused Therapy– This goal-orientated approach contains acknowledgement and validation of client’s difficult emotions and experiences however the main focus will be on identifying the strengths of the client. The aim will be on facilitating the client to recognise their own strengths and finding their own solutions to their difficulties. This will then offer them insights about how they can utilise these strengths in order to manage their difficulties better.
- Humanistic Approach– This non-directive approach focuses on the belief that we all are born with an innate ability for psychological growth, given the right environment. This would be achieved by the therapist enabling a safe environment to explore client’s underlying issues while placing a high emphasis on a strong and supportive therapeutic relationship. It does not include a direct goal on changing behaviors or solving problems however the aim will be on facilitating the client through the in-depth exploration, to learn to accept who they are and reconnect with their true selves. This would lead to better understanding, which would create opportunities to move forward.
- Creative Therapy– This takes form as an integrative approach and is based on psychodynamic values, incorporating ideas from Art Therapy and Play Therapy. The aim will be on facilitating the client to express themselves when they have difficulties articulating their feelings and thoughts. This approach is mainly used when working with children and parents however it is also used with adults.
- Attachment-Focused Family Therapy based on Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). I often use the principles and practices of DDP in my work with families when appropriate. This is parent-child treatment model with its focus on creating emotional connection between your child and yourself, the primary caregiver(s). DDP involves educating parents/carers about the emotional needs of their child and teaching them a set of emotional attunement and limit setting skills to help the child form a more secure attachment. This would be done through the key therapeutic principles of playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy. The aim will be on facilitating your child and you to have a better relationship with each other, to help the you make more sense of what might be the underlying reasons behind the child’s behavior.This treatment approach is particularly helpful if there is a history of trauma or disruption in attachment. The aim will then be on facilitating your child (with you alongside) to make sense of their current feelings, thoughts and behaviours as well as the things that have happened in the past. The aim would also be to help you ( together with the child ) make sense of how these may be linked. Further information about DDP can be found on the following link: http://ddpnetwork.org/a…/dyadic-developmental-psychotherapy/ .
- Attachment-Focused Family Therapy based Theraplay®. I use the principles and practices of Theraplay® in my work with families when appropriate. Like DDP, this is also a parent-child treatment model with its focus on creating emotional connection between a child and their primary caregiver(s). Theraplay® is an Attachment-Based Play Therapy which is both structured and adult-led. It overlaps with DDP however it differs a great deal in that Theraplay® involves less verbal communication. Instead, it fosters and increases emotional connection between your child and yourself through playful engagement. This positive change in the parent-child relationship would lead to a positive impact on your child’s emotional and behavioural difficulties. Further information about Theraplay® can be found on the following link: http://www.theraplay.org/index.php/what-is-theraplay-3
- Trauma-Informed Therapy integrating EMDR. As an EMDR Therapist, I will offer a clinical intervention based on this form of psychotherapy involving a modality that includes eight phases. Each phase consists of its own distinct functionality, process, and methods. EMDR is designed to diminish negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events and hence ideal for those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or powerful triggers related to past trauma. EMDR is a way of conceptualising what you are working on, how your arrived at the symptoms you want to change, and what you want the future to look like. However, unlike most forms of psychotherapy, EMDR focuses less on the traumatic event itself and more on the disturbing emotions and symptoms that result from the event. Treatment includes a hand motion technique used by the therapist to guide the client’s eye movements from side to side, similar to watching a pendulum swing. Tapping can be used as an alternative. EMDR is not limited to the treatment of PTSD only but commonly used as a successful intervention for anxiety, phobias, depression, and more. For further information about EMDR, please visit the following link: http://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/ This video offers an explaination on how EMDR works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKrfH43srg8&t=69s
- Trauma-Informed Therapy integrating the body, yoga, mindfulness and neuroscience themes.In addition to the treatment suggested by the NICE Guidelines for PTSD such as EMDR and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT), clinical interventions applying a mind-body connection approach have been suggested to be valuable. For example, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, Somatic Psychotherapy, including Somatic Experiencing (SE), and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) which is grounded in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory and Neuroscience offers a treatment model where elements of traditional hatha yoga have been modified to support survivors of complex trauma. One aspect of it involves focusing on the felt sense of the body to inform choice-making, and this is believed to allow survivors to restore a healthy connection of mind and body, which is often compromised as a result of trauma. In order to promote a sense of safety, Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy (MBYT) has been suggested as form of inter-relational safety. Additonally, in order to develop intra-relational safety, a number of skills can be practiced, including emotion regulation, mindfulness, distress tolerance and interception. MBYT involves survivors receiving Psychoeducation about the mammalian response to a threat which could facilitate understanding that one’s individual response to trauma is normal. Consequently, improve the sense of self-esteem, and connection with others. Should you wish to find out more about this eveidence-based treatment model, please see: http://www.traumasensitiveyoga.com/
- Specialist Trauma and Attachment Clinic (Chrysalis Associates, Sheffield)
- Adult Mental Health Services (in NHS)
- Children and Adolescents Mental Health Services in NHS (CAMHS)
- Adult Physical Health (within NHS Psychological Services in Clinical Health Psychology Department)
- Family Therapy within CAMHS Specialist Team (NHS)
- Counselling Private Practice (Lewis Psychology, Wolverhampton)
- My greatest experience in therapy includes, but not limited to:
Abuse (emotional/physical/sexual), addiction, anger, anxiety & nervousness, attachment issues, bereavement, bullying, children & problem behaviour, Chronic pain, Complex Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), depression, developmental trauma, eating disorder, family issues, LGBT issues, identity issues, minority issues, personality disorder, phobia, physical health issues, Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder (PTSD), relationship issues, self esteem issues, self harm, sexuality and trauma.
- Family Therapy: I worked as an In-Training Psychologist as part of a Specialist Family Therapy team (CAMHS)
- Schizophrenia-Focused Counselling
- Systemic and Family Therapy
- Couple Therapy
- Introduction to Providing Supervision
- Introduction to Training in Leadership
- Introduction to Psychometric Training
- Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse
- Mental Capacity Act
- Sensory Integration issues within Trauma
- Working with Children: Helping children cope with trauma
- Working with Relational Trauma: Dealing with Disorganised Attachment
- Attachment-based Yoga and Meditation for Trauma Recovery
- Working with Traumatic Memories
- Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma – Level 1 & 2
- Treating Complex Trauma with Internal Family Systems (IFS)
- Trauma Therapy
Trauma and Attachment Specialist – my doctoral research was on Complex Trauma/Developmental Trauma. I also worked for five years at Chrysalis Associates which is a private Trauma and Attachment Therapy Service that specialises in the assessment and treatment of developmental trauma and attachment difficulties. This private clinic also specialises in working with foster and adoptive families. Here, I worked with children and young people with trauma-attachment problems and their foster, adoptive or birth families. I offered parent-child/family therapy that was based on the principles of Theraplay® and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). Both of these are Attachment-Focused Therapy models, where Theraplay® is an Attachment-Based Play Therapy.
Associate Psychologist for Cornerstone which is a Counselling and Therapy Centre; here my specialism was working with children, parents and families where I offered Attachment-based Family Therapy.
Associate Psychologist for The Sheffield Wellness Centre which is the venue I use as my main base. The centre offers a wide range of wellness services for the body, mind and soul such as yoga, mindfulness, massage and life coaching. Here, I offer psychological interventions in form of integrative therapy. My specialism is Trauma and Attachment work.
Associate Psychologist for Cornerstone which is a Counselling and Therapy Centre; here my specialism is working with children, parents and families where I offer Attachment-based Family Therapy.
Trustee and Lead Clinican for Mums In Need, a Charity Organisation supporting mothers and children who have escaped domestic abuse – particularly focusing on the aspect of domestic abuse which is often overlooked: Emotional Abuse. I no longer work here.
One of the authors for an International magazine, Conflict Manager. Here, I write articles which cover topics like trauma, abuse and peaceful parenting.
A member of the team of Povi(TM). Povi is an online platform that focuses on the development of children’s Emotional Intelligence (EQ) . My vision, like Povi’s mission, is to help parents cultivate wholesome, well-balanced, healthy and happy children. This include educating parents about how they can play an active role in facilitating their children with their EQ. I do this by writing articles for Povi(TM) which cover topics that focus on techniques for parents to help their children developing EQ, e.g. their empathy, insight, mentalisation and active listening skills.
- Graduate Membership within the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership within the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- In-training Membership of the Division of Counselling Psychology within the British Psychological Society (BPS)
- British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
My passion for promoting the welfare of children and young people and my understanding of the importance of early intervention led to me to undertake my doctoral research in this area. By integrating the latest research on developmental neuroscience, attachment and trauma my doctoral research explores how people who have had adverse experiences in their childhood manage their adult lives and relationships. The adverse experiences I had focused on in this study are complex trauma/developmental trauma in the form of early exposure to maltreatment including domestic violence, neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
The purpose of the study was to gain an in-depth understanding of how these difficult early experiences may lead to a person having particular strengths and difficulties in their adult lives. In particular, I was interested in protective factors as I feel that this understanding may help professionals, who cannot always prevent childhood maltreatment, ensure that children at least have access to protective factors that can help them deal more effectively with traumatic experiences and go on to have fewer difficulties as a result.
It is a field of scientific research I am very passionate about and I intend to carry out further research in this area in the future. Working with Developmental Trauma/Complex PTSD, attachment issues, parenting difficulties, children, teenagers and families are areas I consider to be my specialism. Thus, I offer a variety of attachment-based and trauma-informed approaches as one of my main specialties.
Welcome To Stepping Stones Psychology.
Stepping Stones Psychology is a specialist therapeutic service for young people, families and adults. We provide confidential psychological services both nationally and worldwide. Our specialism is in working with trauma and attachment.